Monday 29 October 2012

It's been a while!

Well, it's been a busy week. I've been sticking to those priorities and managing to get some words on my new rural romance, Fixing Fences.

Whilst sticking to my studies, I've managed to knuckle down and write 22k since finishing Deceive Me in Ireland, (with the help of coffee of course), brining it to 25k. :)
Fixing Fences is about a city girl seeking her history in the Hunter Valley and fixing her existing relationship with her mother and her inner self. And finiding love along the way...

My skills at plotting are refining themselves and this time, I've managed to plot my novel from start to finish (with room for some kangaroos of course).

To keep myself inspired this week I've been feeding my muse with Jilted by Racheal Johns who I had the pleasure of interviewing some months ago. I'm thoroughly enjoying it and finding that it really helps to read the work of other great writers when the words just aren't flowing like they normally do. When the words don't flow it's best not to panic. So I keep calm and read and off my muse goes again.

Well, a new week has begun and my muse is chomping at the bit to have her way.
Happy reading/writing everyone!


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